Tired of waiting weeks for a therapy or psychiatry appointment?
We now have more in-network appointments available, with same-day
or next-day availability in many states.
Get the right care for your family, right away.
Get 24/7 access to top-rated doctors with Doctor On Demand® by Included Health.
Looking for a therapist you can trust?
Pick from our diverse network of mental health providers.
Urgent Care + Behavioral Health
You have access to Doctor On Demand's Urgent Care + Behavioral Health. Urgent Care is available within minutes, behavioral health appointments average a few days—but patients can use urgent care for urgent mental health issues and get a referral within the app to behavioral health.
What we treat
With 24/7 access to doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists and other medical experts, care is always available, anytime and anywhere. Select and see your favorite providers again and again, right from your smartphone, tablet or computer.
Because we work with health plans and employers, nearly 98 million Americans have covered care. It’s free to signup and easy to check your coverage when you register.
From colds to cholesterol to depression, think of us as your first stop for everyday care.